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A Book We Like: The Good News Must Go Out: True Stories of God at work in the Central African Republ

We like to sit and read as a family. Out loud, that is. Sometimes we each read our book quietly during reading time, but reading one common book together is fun and we get to learn new things as a family. We began reading the "Hidden Heroes" books by Rebecca Davis. "The Good News Must Go Out" is the first one we read and the three of us absolutely loved it! Our then 7 yr old (she's a bit of an advanced reader) could read this on her own, so that shows how family friendly this book is. We've cried, we've laughed, and we've been convicted all at the same time!!

If you are interested in introducing stories of amazing missionaries to your family, I highly recommend this book!

You can check it out here. You will not regret it! Enjoy!

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