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Free Sampler: Expedition Earth

From the sparkling sands of Brazil to the orange groves of Morocco to the rising cosmopolitan city-state of Singapore… It’s time for an expedition! Grab your passport and let’s explore the people and places of our globe. Within these pages, you will discover the sights and sounds of all 195 countries of our world and learn about the people who live there, the crops they raise, the food they eat, the music they play, the religions they follow, and so much more. From the exotic to the ordinary, you will learn about the amazing facets of our globe without leaving your own home. However, the pages of this book may inspire you to hop on a plane and experience the near and far corners of our planet for yourself. The included lesson plans and quizzes convert this book into a 1 year course in world geography.

*Should you decide to use this geography curriculum with high school students, keep in mind that they may receive a full geography credit for 120 hours of time spent interacting with the material or a 1/2 credit for 60 hrs. Expedition Earth ebook includes:

  • 195 Country pages

  • Country flags & maps

  • Country facts

  • Lesson plans

  • Country flash cards

  • Continent maps

  • Time zone map

  • Passport booklet

  • Recipes

  • Quizzes

  • And more…

Click here to get your FREE Sampler and see if this is a good fit for your family!

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