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Homemade Fruit & Veggie Spray

Did you know that there is a better and cheaper way to clean your fruits and veggies? I don’t know about you, but I am a bit strict when it comes to washing what we eat, especially produce.

Since simply rinsing them under running water does not completely take away all the “junk”, I had to find a simpler and more frugal solution. After much research and consideration I decided to make my own and it is fabulous!

What you need:

  1. A clean spray bottle

  2. 1 cup of water

  3. 1 cup of white vinegar

  4. 2 tablespoons Baking Soda

  5. 10 drops Lemon Essential Oil

Mix it up:

  • Begin adding water to your spray bottle

  • Add Vinegar

  • SLOWLY add the Baking Soda. The reaction of the vinegar and soda will result in foaming, so please, pour slowly and carefully. (Kids have fun doing this! Great Science lesson!)

  • Add Lemon Essential Oil

  • Cover and shake well.

  • Store in a dry, dark place. Always shake well before use.

To Use:

  • Spray fruits and vegetables

  • Let them sit for about 3-5 minutes (Note: I let soft skinned fruit sit a bit longer)

  • Rinse well

  • Store

I have a habit of washing our produce as soon as we get it and then store it in the fridge ready to go. It’s very useful for when my daughter wants to grab a fruit snack. All she has to do is go to the fridge and grab what she wants.

I have heard that this solution does not work with mushrooms. I cannot say for sure, since I am an anti-mushroom freak.


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