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FREE! Get Informed on Age-Related Macular Degeneration! Driving Research & SAVING SIGHT!

Every year nearly 10 million Americans go blind due to AMD or Age-related Macular Degeneration. The exciting news is that a cure is in sight!

The Foundation Fighting Blindness, a non-profit organization, has provided funding for research on cures for blindness, specifically AMD, since 1971. In fact, with the research FFB has already made possible, treatments to stop and in some cases even reverse retinal disease is a reality. This is great news for people over 55 and their families.

With AMD it is nearly impossible for grandparents to enjoy the little things in life such as playing games, watching movies and reading to their grandchildren. However, due to innovative research, those things are once again possible for many people…but, we need to continue this outreach, support additional research and find cures.

It is our duty to spread the word and inform others about AMD (#ffbamd) and the resources available to prevent and treat AMD. Join us in learning and sharing with your family and friends so we can make a difference! Remember! Sharing is caring! Click here to get your FREE pdf download to learn more about macular degeneration and how to prevent and cure it.

Go! Do your part now!

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